1 NICHE logo 2 Intro Issue 3 Quarterlies Q1 4 Quarterlies Q1-Q2 5 Quarterlies Q1-Q3 6 Quarterlies Q1-Q4 7 Quarterlies Q1-Q4 illustrated 8 Four Fall variations 9 Quarterlies Q1-Q4 backs 10 Inside Spreads – Spring & Summer

9 WAYS that Grief.News newsletters are unique and transformational

1) Branding – The bereavement newsletters are carefully and thoroughly branded to your hospice or funeral home and targeted further to each location of your business.

2) Marketing — Grief.News newsletters are presented as bereavement support. But they are much more! They are highly effective marketing aimed directly at an important targeted audience — grieving families & friends. This is an audience that you want to be repeatedly reminding of the care provided to their loved one, and reinforcing and building up a sense that you care for them in their grief. In so doing, they become far more likely to praise and recommend your company to others.

3) You get ahead of the curve — A Grief.News newsletter differentiates you and puts you ahead of your competition with a level of service and support that they will fail to match.

4) Great value — For hospices, THE FULL 6-ISSUE SET OF NEWSLETTERS [the Hospice Issue, the Transition Issue, and the 4 quarterly issues mailed by Grief.News directly to each household], a full year-plus of bereavement support, will cost $8.00 TOTAL per family. For funeral homes, THE 5-ISSUE SET OF NEWSLETTERS [the Transition Issue and the 4 quarterly issues] will cost $6.80. [Note: At current USPS rates.]

5) ACTION!! — By partnering with Grief.News, you are not starting at the beginning of a long process of choosing contractors, planning, meetings, designing, content creation, more meetings, false starts, and a huge learning curve. Grief.News offers a sophisticated product and program that is READY TO GO. Your staff has no programs to learn, no projects to launch and sustain, nothing to write (repeat: Nothing to write!), and no information to collect and organize except one quarterly Excel file with the newest quarter’s mailing list.

6) High-value content — All of the grieving families you serve get a rich presentation of varied, useful, readable content — over the course of a year, about 40 features in the 6-issue program, about 35 in the 5-issue program.

7) Timed BOTH to the season AND each reader's grief phase — The Grief.News program has figured out some complex logistics. Over the course of 5-6 Issues, readers get features that address matters relevant to the season AND articles addressing their phase in the year-plus of bereavement – from newly bereaved to the 1st anniversary of their loved one’s passing and beyond. This is accomplished by sending 4 different editions of the newsletter in each quarterly mailing. (This last fact might not sink in until we introduce the whole program to you.)

8) Everything is done for you — The program is set up so that almost EVERYTHING is done almost automatically — design, writing, printing, logistics, mailing. Beyond the mailing lists you provide and, for hospices, the Documentation & Compliance matters you have to keep track of (all of which Grief.News carefully lays out for you), your quarterly bereavement mailings are done for you..

9) Outreach Beyond the program already described, several issues of the newsletter have been adapted to create additional, optional tools that you may choose to use to enhance marketing, education and outreach in the future. The Community Issue is a powerful marketing tool that can expand your brand, build partnerships, and improve education and outreach. The Support & Outreach Issue is useful for support groups, seminars and other outreach to those who have lost a loved one. And the Special Holiday Issue is designed for use during the holiday season.